a NewFound Recruiting Company

trucloud is a full-service cloud consulting firm focused on supporting Canadian enterprises through each phase of their cloud adoption journey.

TRUCLOUD cloud migration and adoption consulting canada

Our goal is to make cloud adoption approachable.

Adopting cloud means planning for future scale, and ensuring that neither performance nor availability will impede your success.

The full value of cloud comes from approaching options as part of a big-picture strategy. Fuel your digital adaptation and growth, relating your decisions back to a concise roadmap.

With cloud adoption, organizations could potentially have it all: agility, efficiency, flexibility, scalability, and cost savings.

trucloud Google cloud adoption partners Canada

Cloud technology adoption empowers organizational growth with tools and connectivity. 

Canadian Organizations are successfully using cloud technology to transform their performance, reliability, security, scalability and revenue.

In a fast-paced, digital world that’s changing at breakneck speeds, consumers are becoming more digitally inclined every day.

Businesses without strong digital capabilities will be impacted. The world is changing quickly – don’t be left behind.

cloud adoption consultants canada

We'll meet you where you are.